In the words of the Founder of Precision Tuition, Dimitrios Kazanis: "Success lies in customised learning. Education must be tailored to the unique personalities, gifts and potential of young students."
“Each student is receptive to knowledge in different ways. No matter how well his or her teacher explains content, some students simply need more time to take in information, as well as refine vital skills,” he says.
“Seeking assistance is not something to be ashamed of. Tutoring provides a supportive environment for students. Especially for those who need reinforcement and additional time to be guided in the right direction.”

Precision Tuition is offering In-Home, Workshop and Online Classes. Find out more by clicking the tab at the top of our page
Precision Tuition is now receiving enquiries for 2024 NAPLAN and HSC EXAMINATION WORKSHOPS.
Our team is hiring for 2024 & beyond across Sydney.
Contact Us for more information.